Thursday 2 September 2010

Inner Workings of The Onetouchables - A Carinshouse Production.

It had been a long week since The Onetouchables narrow lose to the "Stortford Tornadoes" ( the Orange Team), and it was clear to see that many of the Onetouchables players were looking to bounce back with a massive win.
Reports from the Onetouchables Camp were clear for all to see in many of the tabloids, with reports stating Maverick Manager Luke Sutton had held a private training session later on that week after the defeat.

Also it was nearing the end of the Transfer Window and many of the Onetouchable fans were looking on with baited breath to see if there would be any late summer signings for the next coming season.
Tuesday soon rolled around and still no new signings were made by the Onetouchables... Many of the fans were starting to question Luke Suttons handling of this transfer period and echoes of “You don’t know what you're doing" could still be heard.
One reporter in an iterview even said to Mr.Sutton " why don't you get on your HamHog and sign someone." to this the Manager ended the interview shouting " F*%$£ off... go grind someone else's gears " to the reporter.

Even though it seemed that nothing was happening, behind the scenes the Onetouchables were trying everything to make things happen.

Sutton made a trip out to McDoom village in South America to try and attract Mr.W.Johnson"footballs best kept secret" to come back and play for the Onetouchables. Sutton had shipped the Guyana over the week before for the private training session, but a deal was not struck between the two.

Rumours started to spread over the internet that Manager Luke Sutton was desperate for more players and was linked with the some what confused footballer Ben Rollo, looking to make his name in football some how.
Other rumours linked the Onetouchables manager with italian but yet english born Carl Amodeo. Sutton was quick to squash these "Ludicrous Rumours" in his own words. he stated " I would never sign these players in a month of Sundays, not even a month of Sundays more like a millions years of em.....W*$%*^£"

The Onetouchables well of talent had seemed to have run dry and it seemed that the Team were to make no more summer signings. Also the restraints of the 7 man squad seemed to be taking a toll on the Manager too.

With only seconds left on the transfer clock The Onetouchables pushed the boat out drastically changed Manger Luke Suttons Contract from Manager, to Player Manager.
This sent shockwaves through the League with many questioning the legality of this. The injury struck striker signed on the dotted line just before the 6pm deadline and the deal was done.

Now all there was left to do was annouance the 7 man squad for the up coming game.  

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