Thursday 2 September 2010

Clash Of The Titans - A Cairnsington3000 Production.

News leaked Tuesday Night that The Onetouchables were to be playing League winners of last season "The All-Whites" which had many fans rubbing there hands to this massive top of the table clash so early on in the season.

The Onetouchables were still to confirm there 7 man squad and it seemed that this was to be a very difficult decision who to included in the massive early season clash and who to leave out

With many of the Onetouchable players’ impressing in the first two games it was going to be a mammoth task to stream line the team down.
Private meetings were held with both veteran forward Charlie Purdy and cultured goal poacher Ross Conquest. News sources claimed that the two were given the week off as international leave, and the same was for midfield wanderer O’Connor. Sources close to the players are sure the three will return to the squad after thier brakes.

With the squad numbers in order a new management team were put in place for the game. Cultured Swede Michal Hancock who had just led Helsingborg to there highest position in the leagues history stepped in for the now Player Manager Luke Sutton, with the help of assistant Tom Biggins who had just helped River Plate to the League title.

The team was set and ready for a win over the current league winners the "All-Whites."

The game kicked off and the Onetouchables were in possession from the off. It seemed that the training session from last week was doing the trick, with many fluid passes finding there man and some fantastic movement from the team.
The Onetouchables were in control of the game when a quick brake between George Warnett and Adam Williams resulted in A.Williams picking the ball up from the left hand side of the pitch and thundering in the Onetouchables first goal of the game.

The All-Whites seemed to have been knocked back onto there heels with the early goal and it was clear to see that they were rattled indeed with many of there players going in hard in tackles, but this was not enough to stop the Onetouchables from playing there trademark stuff.

The Onetouchables were dealing well with what ever the All-Whites had to throw at them. The second goal came with a fantastic piece of skill from Joe Cass almost Iniesta like, as the All-Whites keeper threw the ball over the top to his striker J.Cass intercepted the ball and on the volley rocketed the ball back over the head of the keeper and into the net.

The crowed and players were jubilant with the effort and the goal, while the All-Whites were stunned in awe of Joe Cass's talent skill and finesse.
The All-Whites were not living up to there dominate name at all, and seemed lack lustre in there play. The Onetouchables were looking comfortable with many great efforts from Adam Williams & and striking partner Luke Sutton. It seemed that the Onetouchables were going to win this very comfortably.

The Onetouchables were playing well, and stringing passes together linked never seen before. After a quick attempt on the All-Whites Goal, the All-Whites quickly broke away down the Left hand side and scored.

This seemed to inject some life into the current league champions and they started to attack a lot more then what they had been.
The Onetouchables ever changing team held out well till half time, with some fantastic tekkers from J.Johnson, old school defending from Joe Cass, Powerful foward play from G.Warnett and telapathic link up play from A.Williams & L.Sutton. The Onetouchables went in at the brake leading 2-1.

A very inspirational Team talk from Michael Hancock & Tom Biggns sent the team out for the second half.

The Onetouchables started brightly again, with many efforts on the All-Whites Goal, the All-Whites seemed to have changed there game plan and had quite a few efforts on goal themselves, forcing some very tidy saves from the Onetouchables keeper Kieran Cairns (sporting a new stream line hair cut).
The Team was working well with Joe Johnson running things in midfield as always and Michael (Mig-Ster) Williams keeping the All-Whites quite down the right with many fantastic blocking efforts.

The All-Whites seemed like they had a point to prove, Josh Goodey of the All-Whites made a darting run down the right which was track by the charismatic Luke Sutton making his league debut, as Goodey went to go past Sutton, Sutton intercepted his run with a standing block of the ball, this resulted in Goodey Twisting his knee while going in for the tackle. It seemed Goodey had came out worse in the tackle, and had to receive medical treatment, and get stretcher(chaired) off by to hefty lads ( George Warnett & Kieran Cairns).

The game resumed, and Adam ("Admiral") Williams grabbed his Second of the game with a vintage finish from the forward man. It seemed the Admiral had worked off his jet lag and boozing holiday hangover and was back on top form.
The game looked well and truly won, but with some late efforts on goal forcing Cairns back into action with some textbook stops it was clear the All-White were not going to give up easily. With a late brake down the left, the All-Whites snuck a goal with a strike through Joe Cass's legs which the defender could do nothing about at all.

The game was close now at 3-2. The Onetochables keep at it, playing there stuff, while the All-Whites were trying to rough up the well oiled machine of the Onetochables.
With the dying embers of the game fading out some great play was put together from L.Sutton & A.Williams, with some delightful flicks from Sutton and magical touches from A.Williams a forth was on the cars for sure.

As Sutton took the perfectly weighted ball from M.Williams on the right, he jinx past his man, looked up to see A.Williams making a blistering run down the left, A.Williams shouted out to his team mate " OVER HERE!" with this L.Sutton gave a slide rule ball to A.Williams who finished coolly for his third of the game.

The Onetouchables defended well till the end, with George and Michael (Mig-Ster) running things at the back, and Cass and Joe Johnson filling in for the tired legs when they could to hold the impressive lead

The Final whistle blew and the Onetouchables ran out clear winners with a fantastic 4-2 victory over the raining league champions.

The Onetouchables 4 - 2 The All Whites

A.Williams (3)
J.Cass (1)


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