Monday 6 September 2010

The Story of Adam "The Admiral" Williams

Adam “The Admiral” Williams Striker

Adam Williams is the Onetouchables second striker, and is the twin brother of fellow Onetouchable Michael Williams.
A.Williams is one of the newest signings to the team, the striker has an intimidating footballing past, one of which many professionals in the game today are envious of.

Williams’s footballing career started in the sleepy town of Broxbourne, where both brothers were part of Broxbourne’s finest team, “Broxbourne Saints”. Both Williams brothers enjoyed many happy years there till A.Williams was approached by North Londoners “Brimsdown”.

It was here were Williams made a name for himself. Williams was seen to be a goal machine. Williams racked up over 100 goals in all competitions in his first year at the club.

Williams was indeed enjoying his football, and after a few years at the club the goal machine was soon snapped up by “Enfield FC” at a 5 a side tournament.
Here Williams excelled, scoring more goals then what he did at “Brimsdown” Williams was also playing along side old friend Kieran Cairns who had also been snapped up by the London Team at the same 5 a side.

After many years at the London club, the goal machine said goodbye and joined Wimbledon’s crazy gang.
It was while here in which Williams career took a turn for the worst. Williams fell in with the wrong crowed while at Wimbledon and started on a downward spiral.

Williams traded in his boots for money for booze, and his kit for cigars in which Williams called “stooges” & his club contract for a life time supply of "Snuff", he also stopped training with the team all together, to practice on his own something in which he called “the WindMillegen manoeuvre”.
At this point it seemed Williams love for the game was fading. He started not to turn up to training sessions, claiming that he was up all night “Chopping” women & watching the “Dark Knight” over and over again.

This was starting to become a common issue with the player, and in the winter of 2005 the once prolific goal scorer vanished from Wimbledon F.C. no one knew were the striker had gone, nor did his brother.

Two years past and it seemed that A.Williams name would just fade into the history books and into fables in which die hard fans would only speak off. Many believed that Williams was in fact Pat Sharpe from BBC's "Fun House".

Then in the Summer of 2007 the prolific striker reappeared.

Williams was seen in many Italian unlicensed strip joints eating nothing but what he called “cocktail “sausagooooows”. A Sky Sports news reporter was sent out there to see what the ex-Wimbledon striker was up to. Williams told Sky Sports:

Well I had enough; I blew my beans at Wimbledon. So I left for Italy….where I’ve been playing football(PES6), chopping, wearing jacks, drinking Vod’s & playing COD badly”

After this news story was broken world wide that the serial larrikin A.Williams was back in football. Many wanted to sign him.
AC Milan were the first team to sign the goal machine, Williams replaced Andriy Shevchenko. In Williams press release with the Italian giants he was quoted in saying

“Andriy was Dece, but I’m REALLY DECE”
“I am the Champions League”
“ Inzaghi is TEZ…..really TEZ”
“I won’t be bested at the best of times”
"Im pure OIL"
"I back myself to bag top bin every time."
"I've chopped 6,000 women"

After this string of coments from Williams, who had brought his own beer to the press release, took a huge victory gulp of his Fosters and left the room.
Williams made 36 league starts for Milan. Then moved to Inter Milan in 2008 with many raising eye brows at where the journeyman’s loyalties lied.
In an interview for Talk Sport reporters asked him why he moved to the Italian rivals, Williams in an Eric Cantona-esk way replied with

“May the Gods keep the wolves in the Hills, and the Women in our Beds” and strolled out of the room pointing and shouting the word "GUMP" at everyone he passed in the halls .

After two seasons in Italy Williams was again on the move, this time on a two year loan deal to Real Madrid.
Williams had a very bright start to his spell in Spain, and it seemed that the Spanish giants had struck gold with Williams, with him in his best run of form since his glory days. But Williams move in Spain went sour, when locals said that Williams was too “Hollywood” & his fear spiders grew even more.

With Williams looking out of favour in Spain he retreated back to his villa and refused to see the light of day. Reports from the Williams camp was that he was boozing heavily, and eating nothing but McDonalds.

Williams seemed washed up for sure this time….Williams spent out a “Come and get me plea” to many of his old pals in the game via a Facebook status, but only one person liked the status of the larrikin.
Sources close to the player said it was old friend Luke Sutton who had followed the striker’s movements carefully and wanted him to sign for his new team.

With no hesitation Williams made the move back to England in 2010 to join Sutton and his merry men, and rekindle his famous form of yester years.

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