Sunday 5 September 2010

The Story of Luke "The Duke" Sutton.

Luke "The Duke" Sutton. Player Manager.

Luke Sutton is the "Onetouchables" manager and recently just signed as the Onetouchables main striker.
Sutton's footballing career is a long a prestige's one, stretching  far across many main football leagues around the world.
But the road for Sutton has been a rocky one, with many heart aches and obstacles a long the way.

Sutton started his career at local hometown club in Thaxted, in which saw the front man become the teams top leading scorer of all time. the front man was making a name for himself as a "scorer of goals" which landed him a move to near by town Bishop Stortfords "Northolt".
Here Sutton soon found his way into the locals hearts, and struck up a great partnership with long time friend George Warnett.

After 5 seasons (Spring,Summer,Autumn,Winter,Spring) with "Northolt", Suttons childhood dream was fulfilled when West Ham signed the maverick Striker. 
Sutton was reported to be over the moon, and it was clear for many to see, Sutton was reported to have said in his first press conference with the Hammers that " I am going to be the greatest striker of all time, Ian Rush, Henry, Van Nistelrooy....pshhh even Ronaldo are nothing compared to me"

Many more future press confrancies with Sutton would see the young striker make bold statements, ludacris claims, and calculated verbal attackes on fellow team mates, managers and players.

Unaware of his own comments Sutton had put huge pressure on himself. His first league game for his new club saw the front man have a torrid time. It was clear that the fame had gone to his head, and the wheels seemed to be coming off of this promising young star very quickly. Sutton missed 40 clear goal scoring chances that day.

Suttons torrid run in the first team carried on with the striker unable to score a single goal in his 177 league appearances for the club. It seemed Sutton had adapted a life style of "fast cars n loose women (The TV Show)" reports claimed Sutton would be out all night "Boozing" and "Macking" before games. In May of 2006 Sutton was injured in West Ham's final game of the season.

Sutton was rushed to hospital where the news was broken to the once talented striker that he had "Rickets of the Ankle". Fans were over joyed at the news with many saying to Sky Sports " The lad was a once a scorer of great goals, but not a great scorer of goals...he's washed up."

After narrowly missing relegation in 2006 West Ham later released the Maverick Striker due to the fact that there clubs health insurance did not cover "Ankle Rickets". Suttons dream was over.

Sutton was crippled with injuries, he tried every club in the Premier League to give him a second chance. With spells at WBA, Bolton, Wigan & Newcastle, he traveled to Spain, France,Germany, Italy, but Suttons Ankle Rickets kept the player out of seemed the ship had sailed on this once promising young lads dream.

Doctors told Sutton that he would never play again, and that he should pick a trade instead. So, the once Maverick Striker went off to study Law at Kent Uni. After three years there he graduated. He soon left England to study under the watchful eye of Charismatic Manager Jose Mourinho. Sutton traveled all over the world learning the many different styles of the game & soon had his coaching badges and returned to England.

Sutton was re-born, and in 2010 he made his glorious come back.
With Law knowledge and expert coaching manuals he formed a 5 a side team called "The Onetouchables" hand selecting only the finest players in which he had meet from his playing days and his travels while becoming a coach.

Sutton immediately made himself Manager & Suttons first big money signing was himself.
Determined to prove all the Doctors wrong and play once again.

Famous press conference Quotes & Other quotes of L.Sutton.

"I'm the greatest man alive"
"I score goals only for me......"
"If the team just give me the ball I'd score all the time....."
"My car is made of solid GOLD... !"
"All these things in which im saying to you.....these are FACTS"  ( "these are FACTS" was later made famous by Rafa Benitez)
"Im gunna score a million goals this season, you watch."
Reporter: "Mr.Sutton were you drunk out there today
L.Sutton " Naaa mate. I was off my tits"

(while standing in the middle of the training field opening a power rangers Lunch Box)
Alen Pardew " Sutton, what you doing"
L.Sutton " fuck off, I'm having lunch. Tosser"

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